November 20


Hickory Smoked Beef Ribs On A Kettle Grill Recipe

By SmokerBBQ

November 20, 2012

Hickory Smoked Beef Ribs On A Kettle Grill Recipe, Smoked Beef Ribs, Smoked Ribs

Grill or Smoke Beef Ribs?

Grilling hickory smoked beef ribs over indirect heat on your grill is the smoker shortcut. It takes less time to do the ribs on the grill than on the smoker.  This guy cut the ribs up prior to smoking them so that they could be packed into a semi-circle around one half of the grill grate.

Cutting them up before the smoke also allows them to be seasoned on all sides with the rub. He uses large chunks of hickory wood for the smoking and lets them actually burn up to provide the smoke.

These ribs are slathered with BBQ sauce and look like they have been carmelized by the end of the smoking. Looks good to me!

What, if anything, would you do differently?


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